They gonna know all the weird porn I look at on here. Hope advertisers need that info
They gonna know all the weird porn I look at on here. Hope advertisers need that info
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Bill simmons podcast. Mainly sports but a lot of just in general topics too. Famous guests athletes and not.
Does a country need extra unity at war time. And if they did do they get from external sources???
American citizens are with you even if our traitorous politicians aren’t
Ok but they barely won. Like calm your titties that goalkeeper saved like 10 goals in insane ways
Love how it’s modeled after rome since that’s what’s gonna happen to us too
The eggs have insane physics reactions though. So I got that going for me.
Yeah exactly people getting married when they have no business or maturity to do so. Imagine needing complete strangers on the internet to tell you how to charge someone you love rent.
Then imagine being stupid enough to quote divorce statistics to people who point out how dumb that is.
Signed happily married guy who doesn’t charge his wife rent
If you gotta ask these kinds of things this relationship isn’t really serious enough to warrant moving in.
I’m too poor to worry about this. My wife bought eggs recently
Pretty sure feudal peasants were living happier than us now.
They get American guns because they are close by on a land border and we get their drugs because they are close by on a land border. If they stop buying American guns I have a feeling they will not be short on guns and we will not be short for drugs. No one wants to address the real problems in this relationship.
If it happened to us it will happen to you. Guaranteed. Maybe now everyone will get off their high horse and help us figure this shit out so we will be alive to help you figure it out.
Cancel all government contracts with google
You ever googled a porn person’s name they are on every site
Yeah. Landry from Friday night lights got the hot chick from work trapped in it
Uh gross. There are so many sex positive porn companies do you have a link so I can avoid this specific one.
One point for each bite you can take of the slice before you gotta throw it away and get the next slice lol. Although I don’t think you would be reaching for the second slice in this case.
Probably only your office could answer that and we don’t know them.
Never on external emails though.
It’s just hard to worry about some app tells Amazon what I like so they can sell me one brand of socks over another brand of socks, when I got a whole real life going on with bills, wife, kids, work, home maintenance, health, love, stress, ups, downs.
I do absolutely nothing if consequence on social media. If they wanna train their Algo on my lemmy habits God speed brother. I’m busy enough just trying to exist into next week.
I’m grateful to those who can fight the fight but for 99.99% of the population we cant participate in the fight with you.