Is Trump really looking to start a war with the MILK MAFIA? Check yourself before you wreck yourself 🐮
Is Trump really looking to start a war with the MILK MAFIA? Check yourself before you wreck yourself 🐮
That’s the problem, we need a platform that’s popular enough to catch their attention/make it worth the effort to post twice - which is half the reason anyone is still using Twitter. Trust me, I’m no fan of it and I avoid the comment section like the plague :/
I get updates on X from my local news and police stations about traffic, weather, etc. We’d need to get this type of stuff into another single platform before many people would switch.
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I’m 34 and I still feel as young as I did at 24, I haven’t experienced any fitness “degradation”. However I don’t have kids; I imagine if that happens and responsibility for another human kicks in it could feel a bit different 😅
That’s ok I’m pro skinjob!
I still recommend checking out Blade Runner 2047, I just watched it yesterday and thought it was awesome if not a bit long-running
Ty for the answer 🙌
For the sake of challenging my own views I’d love to hear an explanation of this? It does seem rather overpopulated, and I can’t see where class enters into it?
Which non-natives did you steal your country from?
What’s more visible at night, an all-black outfit or a rainbow outfit? A: The all black outfit because antidenialistbot doesn’t see color
The attitude of this community is no better than a rabid Trump community. You ostracize those who are willing to talk to you with no real agenda but providing context and insight.
I don’t love trucks but I love this reply, 100%
Ads are my chance to get up, make a snack, come back and find that along with the ads I’ve missed the next 5 minutes of my show
Lots of racetracks sell packages like this, pay $$ to take out a certain car or groups of cars. But for lots of people it’s just as much about the tuning/improving of their own car as it is about the driving.
Did you drink it black? How was it better, was it smoother/stronger? Would you get it again?
Stop drinking, you’ll save so much money and get ripped with barely any effort 💪💪
Please don’t drive with headphones on 🤯
Lol what do you put into your 3d printer?
The Si and the R! They both sell like hotcakes, waited 8 months for my 2024 Si. I’m not sure why Honda doesn’t increase the volume, there’s still a lot of demand - maybe the margins aren’t as good as their SUVs :(